Masterclass | Your Roadmap to Innovation Mastery

In this Masterclass you will learn about approaches you can implement to improve your strategic technology and innovation capabilities

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Many companies struggle to achieve reliable outcomes from their innovation activities. Being late to market with new products and services with the wrong technologies and capabilities can cause significant financial loss and harm to reputation.

 A technology and innovation strategy that is well-aligned with corporate and product goals gives leaders the ability to make sharper, more informed decisions and to better account for crucial investment choices. But setting the groundwork for designing a more innovation-capable company needs to be handled well; and managing the change is pivotal to reproducible business results.

 This 60-minute Masterclass is for corporate innovation, technology and business leaders.  Presented and facilitated by Rob Munro and Andrew Gill, Industrial Associates with IfM Engage at the University of Cambridge, it draws on IfM’s approaches and case studies that can support and inspire your innovation thinking.

In this Masterclass you will learn about approaches you can implement to improve your strategic technology and innovation capabilities, covering:

1. Strategically aligned answers to technology and capability investments.

2. Steps organisations can take to move up the innovation maturity ladder.

3. Insights into what high-performing businesses do in this space.

 IfM Engage has worked with hundreds of organisations across the world to support their strategic and technology innovation planning. IfM Engage partners with organisations across industry, government and academia to support them in solving complex challenges, using approaches and knowledge developed at the Institute for Manufacturing (IfM), a division of the University of Cambridge’s Department of Engineering

Presenters: Rob Munro, Industrial Associate, IfM Engage; Andrew Gill, Industrial Associate, IfM Engage