The power of roadmaps applied in the real world

This webinar brings together three of the most respected experts in roadmapping research and practice: Rob Phaal (IfM), Olivier de Weck (MIT) and Sven Schimpf (Fraunhofer). Hosted by the Institute for Manufacturing’s (IfM) Strategic Technology Innovation Management (STIM) Consortium, our panel of experts will offer valuable insights into the world of roadmapping.

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The main focus of the webinar will be exploring how roadmapping is being applied in the real world based on the results of a 2023 Roadmapping Field Study. The field study was developed in partnership between Fraunhofer Group for Innovation Research, IfM, University of Cambridge, Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT and TIM Consulting.

Our speakers will discuss the findings of the study including:

  • Application areas and content - For what purpose are roadmaps used in organisations, what content is mapped, which maturity stages are covered, and what time horizon is considered?
  • Organisational integration – Which business units are involved with which roles, which activities are defined in formalized processes, and at what frequency are the roadmaps updated?
  • Information sources, methods, and tools- Which sources of information are used to create and update roadmaps, which methods are applied in the context of roadmaps, and which software tools are used?
  • Challenges and best practices - What are the main challenges of roadmapping, which methods, structures and processes do participating organisations consider as recommendable, and what should be avoided when introducing or consolidating roadmaps