Manufacturing footprint strategy: Making the right things in the right places

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Learn how to optimise your global network of factories and suppliers to reduce costs and enhance responsiveness through our established approach to manufacturing footprint strategy.

Our structured approach to reconfiguring global manufacturing footprints has been used by multinationals including IKEA, Caterpillar, Grundfos and LEGO to realise cost savings, reduce corporate risk and gain access to emerging markets and the best resources.

This course will show you how to develop and exploit a global manufacturing footprint strategy, drawing from the latest approaches to advanced analysis that help to guide high-level strategic principles.

You will gain practical insights into how these tools have help leading companies develop competitive advantage, and how you can reconfigure your company’s international footprint of manufacturing activities to deliver real business impact.

Who Should Attend

  • Senior operations executives who guide long-term strategic development programmes across groups of factories
  • Mid-level operations executives who lead strategic footprint development
  • Strategic planners and internal consultants who support major change programmes
  • Leaders and managers who are seeking to develop awareness of practical strategic approaches to these topics

Learn How To

  • Deploy structured ‘make-or-buy’ tools for manufacturing core competencies and supply strategies
  • Design a global manufacturing and supply network, considering plant roles and network coordination principles, scenario development and evaluation
  • Develop network reconfiguration projects that deliver the strategic vision, involving manufacturing location decisions, insourcing and outsourcing, and transferring production