Rob Phaal
Director of Research (STIM, CUED), Centre for Technology Management,
Institute for Manufacturing, University of Cambridge

Rob Phaal
Director of Research (STIM, CUED), Centre for Technology Management,
Institute for Manufacturing, University of Cambridge
Rob Phaal’s key area of ongoing interest is Strategic Roadmapping, in terms of both research and practice. He is also actively involved in the Strategic Technology & Innovation Management (STIM) consortium programme.
Rob joined the Centre for Technology Management in 1997, a research group based in the Institute for Manufacturing, Department of Engineering (CUED). He has a mechanical engineering background, with a PhD in computational mechanics and industrial experience in technical consulting, contract research and software development.
Rob conducts research in the area of Strategic Technology & Innovation Management (STIM). Particular interests include the emergence dynamics of technology-based industry and the development of practical management tools and toolkits.
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